Building Risk and Compliance Capability to meet Regulatory Expectations

with Naomi Burley

Naomi Burley, CEO of the GRC Institute joins Richard in this episode where they explore the topic of Building Risk and Compliance Capability to meet Regulatory Expectations.

Together Richard and Naomi discuss the following questions:

  1. The themes being raised by the Regulators in relation to Risk and Compliance training.
  2. Taking a Principle-Based approach to Risk and Compliance capability.
  3. The challenges faced by the 1st and 2nd lines of Accountability and where to start with regards to developing capability.
  4. Where do the demands of Environmental Change and Social Responsibility fit into the current requirements of Risk and Compliance capability?

Which is the Best Training Methodology to Use: Digital, Virtual, Face to Face or a Blend of all Three?

with Julie Davis

Richard Evans, Principal Consultant of RGCS is joined by Julie Davis, a highly skilled and experienced Learning Practitioner in the field of Learning Design. 

In this episode, Richard explores with Julie the best training methodologies to use. In doing so they explore:

  • The difference between digital and virtual learning.
  • The best time to use digital and virtual learning interventions.
  • How to build digital and virtual learning offerings for maximum impact.
  • If there is still an appetite for face-to-face interventions and when to use face-to-face training.
  • When to consider using a blended approach of all learning methodologies.

Learning in the Context of the Bigger Picture

with Tony Dunford

In this episode, Richard is joined by Tony Dunford, a highly skilled and experienced Learning Practitioner.   Tony is known for his skill and expertise in leading large learning teams and bringing contemporary learning to life in large and complex organisations.

In this episode, Richard and Tony explore the topic of Learning in the Context of the Bigger Picture.

Together Richard and Tony discuss the following questions:

  1. When we refer to the Bigger Picture in the context of learning, what are we actually referring to, and how important is that Bigger Picture to the success of learning?
  2. When recommending a learning intervention, as learning practitioners we are keen to understand the context of the Business Strategy, why is this so important?
  3. The term Strategy gets a lot of airplay in learning circles, why do you think this is the case?
  4. Tactics is another term frequently used in association with Strategy, what do you think the key differences are between Strategy and Tactics in the context of Learning, and why is it important that we make a distinction between the two?
  5. A Learning Strategy takes time to socialise, modify and integrate, what advice could you give our listeners to ensure they go the distance, particularly with larger learning interventions?
  6. How important is Stakeholder Engagement in relationship to Learning in the Context of the Bigger Picture?

Identifying Learning Needs and Application of Learning

with Tony Dunford

In this episode, Richard is joined by Tony Dunford, a highly skilled and experienced Learning Practitioner. Tony is known for his skill and expertise in leading large learning teams and bringing contemporary learning to life in large and complex organisations.

Together Richard and Tony discuss the following questions:

Identifying Learning Needs

  1. When determining Learning Needs, where do we start?
  2. What do we do when we receive a request to develop and deliver training which you believe is not steaming from a need?
  3. Can we influence those making a request to better understand the true learning needs they may have?
  4. How much attention should we pay to having needs clearly articulated, agreed and signed off?

Application of Learning

  1. What is the first thing we need to consider when ensuring learning is applicable to the job?
  2. If we are not familiar with what or how a person performs their job, how can be sure the learning we are building is applicable to them?
  3. What do we do to ensure a learning program is future proof?
  4. Should we consider application for all learning, what about just raising awareness of certain topics?