
“Bringing your programs to life with ease, skill and impact”

We are able to assist with your facilitation requirements when you have the material or program, but not the delivery resources.

Facilitated by Us

Your program exists, but your available resources have their attention focused on other pressing matters such as a regulatory enquiry, internal audit or organisational change.

We will be able to ensure your current compliance or risk training offering stays on track, as we have experience in delivering compliance and risk training programs across a variety of areas and levels of seniority. For example, areas may cover:

  • Compliance Inductions
  • Supervisory Programs
  • Anti-Money Laundering
  • Privacy Principles

Co-Facilitation with You

Co-facilitation can often provide a great alternative when you need to combine professional subject matter expertise with skilled facilitation. We are very experienced at partnered facilitation to ensure participative learning is coupled with quality subject matter expertise.


“Richard’s delivery and enthusiasm makes any session he delivers a truly entertaining and worthwhile experience. He has managed to achieve what so many lack by making Compliance training not only informative but standing room only events!”

John Fogarty
Head of Compliance, South Asia, UBS